8.5 Showing OSPF6 information
- Command: show ipv6 ospf6 [INSTANCE_ID] {}
- INSTANCE_ID is an optional OSPF instance ID. To see router ID and OSPF
instance ID, simply type "show ipv6 ospf6 ".
- Command: show ipv6 ospf6 database {}
- This command shows LSA database summary. You can specify the type of LSA.
- Command: show ipv6 ospf6 interface {}
- To see OSPF interface configuration like costs.
- Command: show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor {}
- Shows state and chosen (Backup) DR of neighbor.
- Command: show ipv6 ospf6 request-list A.B.C.D {}
- Shows requestlist of neighbor.
- Command: show ipv6 route ospf6 {}
- This command shows internal routing table.
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by Jasper Wallace on April, 24 2001
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